Monthly Archives: March 2021

Easter Egg Spelling Hunt

Buddy and I are home for spring break, and I’ve been looking for fun ways to help him work on his reading and writing. He particularly needs to work on writing lowercase letters. So after doing a regular Easter egg hunt with him, I realized how we could work on his literacy skills while having fun at the same time.

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We started by pulling out some magnetic letters and putting them into empty Easter eggs. Then I hid the eggs around the house. Buddy had a great time looking around our house for the eggs.

I had suggested that we write down the letters we found, but Buddy had the idea to make words with them first. So we decided to open all of the eggs up, pull out the letters, and then make a word. Then we recorded the words on a piece of paper.

I could have limited Buddy to using sight words or specific words that he’s been doing in school. But I let him do whatever he wanted, since my main focus was just getting him to work on his hand writing. So of course, his first word was t-rex. We did take some time to form magic e words to practice a skill from school.

If you have a younger child at your house, you could always do this the way we did a few years ago when Buddy was 3. We just found the letters and matched them up to letters written on a cake pan. You can read more about that activity here.

We had a lot of fun doing our Easter egg hunt, and I’m so happy Buddy was willing to work on his handwriting. I know we’ll be doing this again at least once before the end of break.