Tag Archives: four year old activities

Drawing on Windows

My husband is working abroad this summer, and Buddy and I recently flew to Colombia to see him. I knew before we left that we’d have a lot of down time in our hotel. When I was looking for ideas, something that made me very excited was Coffee and Carpool’s blog on hotel activities. I especially loved the idea of drawing on the windows with dry erase markers.

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Before I offered the idea of drawing on the windows with dry erase markers, I tested it on a small part of the window, to make sure it would erase easily. We used Crayola washable dry erase markers. All dry erase markers should work for this activity, but I like the peace of mind with washable markers in general. If they get on something else besides the window, I know it will be easy to remove the stain.

Buddy and I both took a marker, and we looked out the window. We drew pictures of what we saw outside, such as cars, busses, trees, and bicycles. Then we drew everything else we could think of. I offered to play tic-tac-toe on the window, but Buddy just wanted to draw.

Buddy is not always into artsy things, but he had the best time with the activity. He drew happily for 50 minutes the first time we did this activity. The next day he wanted to do it again, and it lasted 30 minutes. Both times we did this, we erased our drawings with a Kleenex when we were done. Some parts took a little effort to erase, but overall, it was pretty easy to clean up.

Dry erase markers will be a regular part of our travel activities in the future. They take almost no space to pack, and they are so much fun! Do you have any other fun ideas for travel activities? Please share in the comments.

DIY Roads and Tunnels

Buddy loves all sorts of transportation vehicles – cars, trucks, trains, and especially planes. We are traveling a lot this summer, and I’ve done a lot of research for activities to do with Buddy while traveling or at our location. I saw two different activities that inspired this one. First, I saw how to make easy paper tunnels on Mama.Papa.Bubba’s blog. Then, I found the idea for making tape roads on Learn To Play at Home’s blog. Together, they made for a great, stay in our hotel room activity.

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Before we left on vacation, I bought two rolls of washi tape at the dollar store. You can find similar tape here. I also brought some construction paper and kid friendly scissors. I cut one piece of paper into four sections, and then we were ready to go.

I showed Buddy how to put the tape down on the floor, and he was so excited. My original intention was to make a road, but of course Buddy wanted to make a taxiway and runway for his toy airplanes. We wound the tape all over the floor, and we each did one roll of tape. Then, I started putting up the tunnels. I folded the edges of the paper into flaps, and then I used the washi tape to tape the flaps down.

Once our airport was set up, Buddy and I took turns driving our planes around the taxiway and then taking off and flying around our hotel room. It was a great way to keep him entertained while we were stuck inside for the afternoon.

Do you have any other great ideas for travel activities? Please share in the comments.

Racing Dinosaurs Math Game

Buddy loves games, so I’m always looking for new ones to play. When I came across the idea for a magnatiles dice game on Happy Toddler Playtime’s blog, I knew Buddy would love it. Magnatiles are his favorite toy right now, so a game with magnatiles was just perfect!

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To start, we each counted out 10 magnatiles, and we chose a dinosaur to race. We both rolled a die, and we counted out that number of magnatiles. (I bought my jumbo dice at the dollar store, but you can buy similar ones here.) Then our dinosaur raced out that amount of squares. The first dinosaur to get to square 10 wins the race.

Buddy and I decided before the game that we wanted to have to roll exactly 10 to win. However, you could also just have the first person who rolls more than 10 win.

After our first roll, Buddy and I talked about how many more we needed to get to 10. We also discussed how many more he had than I had. It was a fun way to work on subtraction and comparing numbers.

Buddy enjoyed the game, but he decided he wanted to use the tiles to build a home for the dinosaurs and the dice. If we play again, I would make the number of tiles in the race more than 10. It only took us three rolls to finish the game, which was a little too quick. It will be harder to do, “how many more until you win” with a number larger than 10, though.

Do you have any other ideas of things to do with magnatiles? If so, please share your ideas in the comments section.