Category Archives: Activities

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Counting Game

This week was our first Time to Read Tuesday of the summer, and I have been waiting to do this activity for a long time. We read If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, which is a favorite of Buddy’s. I first saw the idea of doing a counting game with this book on Mommy Needs Cookies’s Blog. Since Buddy loves this book and he loves games, I knew this cookie game would be a great activity for him.

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I started by cutting out a circle for each of us from paper. I also got a large handful of black beans and a die. After we read the book, Buddy and I counted out 20 beans for each of us. This was great practice for him, because he has trouble counting after 12. Then we took turns rolling the dice. We put that amount of beans on the cookie. Whoever finished getting all of the “chocolate chips” in the “cookie” first won. 

Buddy had a lot of fun with this activity. He enjoyed the counting and it was good practice looking at a die and determining numbers. In the original activity, she used a uno deck to practice reading the numbers. I can see that being a fun way to extend this game for Buddy when he is a little older. 

Buddy had so much fun that we ended up playing this game 3 times! It was a lot of fun for both of us. I’m sure we’ll play it again soon.

Alphabet Easter Egg Hunt

Yesterday morning, Buddy told me over breakfast that he wanted to do a surprise.  I took that to mean that he wanted to do something a little different than usual. Fortunately for both of us, I had an idea ready to go.

Buddy has been very interested in learning his letters lately, so I’ve been busy looking for fun alphabet activities. I saw several different versions of an alphabet scavenger hunt with Easter eggs on Pinterest, and I knew Buddy would love it. I really loved the coloring sheet on Playdough to Plato’s blog, but when I asked Buddy, he said he would prefer using magnetic letters on a baking pan.

While Buddy was playing with Hubby, I pulled out a bag of magnetic letters and put each letter in an Easter egg. Then, I hid them around the house. I also found an old baking pan and I wrote each letter on the pan with a dry erase marker.

I gave Buddy his Easter basket, because I thought he’d find all the eggs before opening them to match the letters. But actually, Buddy decided to find and match one letter at a time. Then he put the empty egg in the Easter basket. He used up a lot of energy running back and forth between the eggs and the pan. 

Buddy had a lot of fun finding the eggs, and even more fun matching up the letters. He was especially excited when he knew the letter. Because he went through the entire alphabet, I saw exactly which letters we need to spend extra time on this summer. 

This was such a fun and easy activity for a rainy morning. Buddy had a lot of fun, and he got some great literacy practice as well.


Serving Letter Cookies

In the last week or so, Buddy has shown a lot of interest in letters and numbers. I couldn’t be more thrilled since one of my summer goals is to work on his letter and number recognition. He knows the letters in his name and a few others, but I’d like him to know all (or most) of them by the end of summer.

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I spent a little time looking for alphabet activities, and I found a lot of great ones. This activity was especially exciting because we had already been playing with our foam letters a lot recently. When I saw foam letters used as cookies on Fantastic Fun and Learning’s blog, I knew Buddy would love it. He was already serving up stacks of these letters as pancakes and birthday cakes, so making them cookies was an easy shift. It also has everything I love in a kid activity – there is little setup, and we already had all the materials at home.

To start, I grabbed a baking sheet, a spatula, a sharpie, and some leftover plates from Buddy’s last birthday party. Buddy had already been playing with his foam letters earlier in the day, so they were already ready for us. I asked Buddy to pick out some letters and put them on the baking sheet. Then I wrote each one on a small plate and told him what the letter was. We also discussed a word that started with each letter. 

I showed Buddy how to scoop up the letter with the spatula. Then I told him he had to serve the cookie on the matching plate. Again, we discussed the name of the letter as he was looking for each plate. Once the cookie was served, we took turns “eating” it.

Buddy had a lot of fun serving and eating the cookies. He had so much fun that he asked to do it again as soon as we finished serving up all of the letters. So I put all of the letters back on the baking sheet and we did it again!

Once we had finished the second round of this activity, I pulled out some magnetic letters (affiliate link) for Buddy. He started by scooping them up with the spatula and putting them on the baking sheet. 

Eventually, Buddy wanted to spell things with the magnetic letters. He was able to spell his name on his own. Then he asked for help spelling out the names of different people in our family. It was a lot of fun, and a great use of the magnetic letters.

If you have any other great ideas for alphabet activities, please let me know!


Ten Easy Activities To Do With A Two Year Old

Last week Buddy turned three. We had a wonderful celebration with our family and friends, and I hope to blog about that soon. This week, however, I want to reflect on the activities that I did with Buddy during the last year. Here are my top ten favorite activities that we did when Buddy was two.

Floating LettersAll you need for this activity is a spatula, some foam letters, and water. It was so easy to set up, and Buddy played with it for a long, long time.

Whisking Bubbles

This was a Water Wednesday activity from last summer. I put some Dawn and water in a bowl, and Buddy used a whisk to make it bigger and bigger. He thought this was hilarious and eventually started to spread bubbles on his arms and legs.

Magnetic Letters Sensory Bin

I hid magnetic letters in a rice bin, and Buddy found them and matched them to letters on a baking pan. We started this one with a horseshoe magnet, but eventually switched to shovels for finding the letters. Buddy had a blast and played for more than an hour!

Mighty, Mighty Construction Site Bin

If I had to pick a favorite two year old activity, this would be it. We left these beans and trucks together in the bin, and Buddy often pushes it into the kitchen to play while I cook dinner. Buddy has played with this bin at least once a week until the last couple weeks, when I swapped out the beans to create the dinosaur world sensory bin (see the next post below). I expect he’ll ask for his beans to come back out again soon.

Dinosaur World Sensory Bin

I used some old felt and some leaves and rocks from the dollar store to create this bin for Buddy’s dinosaurs. He loves having a special place to play with his dinosaurs. This has replaced his construction site sensory bin as a thing for him to do while I cook.

Decorating Dinosaurs

We used a cookie cutter to cut out dinosaur shapes in playdoh. Then we decorated them with pony beads. It was so easy, and so much fun!

Laundry Basketball

This is probably our second favorite from this year. Buddy loves playing basketball with his beach ball! This version was with the laundry basket, and I played defense while I folded. Most nights, he uses his bed as the basket and if it stays in, it counts as a basket.

Bubbling Colors: A Science Activity for Toddlers

I put drops of food coloring in the bottom of muffin tins, and then I covered it with baking soda. Buddy had a water bottle of vinegar, and the result was bubbling colors. It was a fun and easy science activity.

Bowling for Cups

We stacked some leftover cups from a party and knocked them down with a rubber ball. This was one of Buddy’s first games, and he loved it!

Duplo Busy Bag

Duplos were another favorite this year, and we brought this busy bag with us on a lot of trips this year. He liked it so much, that I’ve made a couple more versions of it for playing at home as well.

Last year was a great year, and I’m looking forward to the new activities we’ll do now that Buddy is three. If you have any ideas, please share in the comment section.

Dinosaur World Sensory Bin

Buddy loves dinosaurs, but until recently, we didn’t have many to play with at our house. However, he got these in his Easter basket, and now we have a lot! He was so excited to see his new dinosaurs, and he couldn’t wait to play!

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I decided to create a fun play area for Buddy and his dinosaurs. I emptied our sensory bin, and added some green felt. Then, I cut some blue felt to create a lake. I also used felt to create a volcano. The base of the volcano was stiff felt, and then I stapled it to create a cone shape. Then I used staples and fabric glue to add on extra layers to the volcano.

The last time I was at the dollar store, I had this dinosaur bin in mind while I shopped. I found two fake ferns and two bags of different sized rocks. I curled up the fern stem to make it stand up, and then I reenforced it with some river rocks. The final touch was a couple of sticks I found outside. 

Buddy was thrilled with this dinosaur world sensory bin! He loves to make his dinos drink the water and eat the leaves. They walk along the logs and up the volcano. 

Some of his tiniest dinosaurs from this dinosaur toob even fit into the volcano!

This is one of my favorite sensory bins we’ve done. It’s so much fun, and not messy at all! Buddy had this out at his birthday party last weekend (more to come about that soon), and it was a huge hit!

Do you have any other dinosaur activity ideas? If so, please share in the comments.

Magnetic Letters Sensory Bin

Buddy has been working on letters at preschool, so I’ve been keeping an eye out for fun alphabet activities to do at home. When I saw the idea of a magnetic alphabet sensory bin on Busy Toddler’s blog, I knew Buddy would love it. He plays with his construction site sensory bin all the time, but it’s been a long time since we’ve played in our rice bin. (Read more about our construction site sensory bin and our first rice bin here.) Even though I prefer black beans as a sensory bin filler, I chose to use rice because we have more of it. We don’t really have enough black beans to hide magnetic letters well.

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I started by adding magnetic letters to the bottom of our sensory tub, and then I poured rice on top. The letters were completely hidden in the rice. I also pulled out an old cake pan, and I used a washable dry erase marker to write the alphabet on it. That way, Buddy could practice matching and identifying letters as he found them.

Buddy started with our large magnet (similar to this one). He put it in the rice, but he had a hard time getting any magnets to stick. Busy Toddler used a magnet wand instead, so maybe that works better for this type of activity. Buddy ended up pulling out the magnets and sticking it to his. The magnet wasn’t an effective tool, but he still enjoyed it. 

I pulled out a couple shovels, and Buddy was ecstatic! He was thrilled that he could now dig up the letters. Buddy asked me to play with him, so we both took a shovel and found letters. 

As we found letters, we matched them up to the letters on the cake pan. I used an old bag of magnetic letters, and there were some letter repeats. Any time we found a repeated letter, we stacked them on top of the match or put it on the edge of the pan. 

It took us awhile, but eventually we found all of the letters. But Buddy was having too much fun to stop! So he took the letters off of the pan and threw them back into the rice. I set the duplicate letters aside for the second round, so we only had one of each letter. 

We didn’t bury the letters quite as much for the second round, but Buddy was just as enthusiastic about finding them. 

This activity was amazing! Buddy played with the rice and letters for 75 minutes! (That’s forever in toddler time!) Then he decided he missed his beans and construction vehicles, so I switched the bin back. And Buddy played with those for another 20 minutes! It was a mess to clean up (beans are much neater than the rice), but it was so worth it. Buddy had so much fun, and it was great letter practice.

Do you have any fun alphabet activities? Please share in the comments!

Toddler Science: Jellybean Experiment

I love finding activities to do with Buddy with materials I already have at home. When I came across the idea of doing a jellybean water experiment on Crafty Morning’s blog, I knew it would be fun and easy to do with Buddy. All you need is jellybeans, a plate, and a little water.

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We started the experiment by making a circle of jellybeans on a plate. As we set things up, we talked about the different colors of jellybeans. I asked Buddy what he thought would happen when we added water, and he didn’t know. I put some water into a squeeze bottle, so it would be easy for him to squirt. He added water just until the edges of the jellybeans were wet. Then we sat back and watched. 

The colors started to bleed right away. I told Buddy how the water was dissolving the candy and the jellybeans’ colors were blending into the water. He was really interested in watching the colors come out into the middle. The black ones dominated the other colors, so if I were to do it again, I wouldn’t include the black jellybeans.

Once the colors had come out, we wondered what would happen if we blew on the water. At first, the red color went on top of the black color, and Buddy thought this was amazing!

Then we tried again, and all of the colors mixed together to form black. What Buddy found most  interesting was when he blows hard it made a hole in the water. 

The last thing we did was see what happened to the jellybeans. We discovered the top side was still shiny, but the part that was in the water was all bumpy! Buddy wanted to try a dissolved jellybean, so I let him have one.

This was a fun and easy experiment! Buddy and I both enjoyed it, and I think he learned something new. I’m sure we’ll try it again next Easter.

Snowball Toss Game

Buddy loves games, so I wanted to find a new game to play as a family. When I came across a snowball toss game on Hands On As We Grow’s blog, I knew it would be perfect. I bought a set of indoor snowballs this winter, and I already had some plastic cups set aside for play use. (Read about our bowling game with these cups here.)

I set out six plastic cups in a triangle pattern. Then, I emptied our snowballs into a bucket for easy access. After that, we were ready to play! Since Buddy is pretty small, I didn’t set any guidelines for where he needed to be when throwing. We found that sitting was easier than standing. But we were a little frustrated because the cups tipped over a lot.

I fixed that problem by wrapping the outside of the triangle with blue painter’s tape. Then they were all together and no longer tipped over. Once that problem was solved, we had a ton of fun! With 10 snowballs to choose from and 6 cups to toss into, we could all go at the same time. Even Hubby wanted to play!

When the cups were taped together, there was an empty space in the middle. Whenever a snowball landed in there, we called out “Bonus!” We didn’t really keep score, so it didn’t matter. But Buddy thought it was so much fun whenever it happened.

This game was so fun and so easy! It was a lot of fun to play as a family, and I know we’ll play it again soon!

Heart Stamping Valentine

Buddy’s school asked every student to make a Valentine for his or her classroom. I decided that we would do the heart stamping activity from last Valentine’s Day (read about it here). Once Buddy finished his painting, we made it into a valentine.

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I started by pulling out a sheet of painting paper, which I taped down with painters tape. Then I pulled out a couple of paper plates, washable kids’ paint, a heart cookie cutter from the dollar store, and two toilet paper rolls. I poured paint on the plates, and I creased the toilet paper rolls to look like hearts. Finally I pulled out Buddy’s smock to keep the paint off of his clothes.

Buddy started with the cookie cutter. I liked using this in addition to the toilet paper hearts because it gave us a different size of heart. 

Once Buddy was done with the cookie cutter, we switched to the toilet paper hearts. We did these in two different colors. 

We let the picture dry for a couple hours. During that time, I asked Buddy about all of the things he loves about school. Once the picture was dry, I wrote his responses into some of the hearts with a black felt tip pen. Then we added a Happy Valentine’s Day and Buddy’s name at the bottom. 

I’m really happy with how this turned out! It was a lot of fun and very easy.

Decorating Dinosaurs

This Christmas season, Buddy and I decorated play doh Christmas trees with pony beads. I got the idea from Child Care Land’s blog, and Buddy loved it! But I had other things to blog about in December, so I never got a chance to blog about this activity.

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Since Buddy loved it so much, I wanted to take the idea and adapt it to something besides a Christmas tree. Since Buddy is interested in dinosaurs, I decided to use dinosaur cookie cutters and decorate them with spots. This could easily be done with any shape though – other animals or even letters and numbers. (These are the cookie cutters that I have and they’re great!)

Buddy and I started by rolling out playdoh and cutting out the dinosaur shapes. He loved using the cookie cutter to get his dinosaurs.

Then Buddy used the pony beads to give his dinos spots. He had a great time squishing the beads into the playdoh!

Buddy decorated two dinosaurs, and then he decided to play with the third one instead of decorating it. He made the dino walk around the table, and then the dino went swimming in the beads. 

Buddy loved having a new, fun way to play with playdoh. I’m sure we’ll do this again soon.

Do you have other fun and easy play doh ideas? Please share in the comments.
