Serving Letter Cookies

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In the last week or so, Buddy has shown a lot of interest in letters and numbers. I couldn’t be more thrilled since one of my summer goals is to work on his letter and number recognition. He knows the letters in his name and a few others, but I’d like him to know all (or most) of them by the end of summer.

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I spent a little time looking for alphabet activities, and I found a lot of great ones. This activity was especially exciting because we had already been playing with our foam letters a lot recently. When I saw foam letters used as cookies on Fantastic Fun and Learning’s blog, I knew Buddy would love it. He was already serving up stacks of these letters as pancakes and birthday cakes, so making them cookies was an easy shift. It also has everything I love in a kid activity – there is little setup, and we already had all the materials at home.

To start, I grabbed a baking sheet, a spatula, a sharpie, and some leftover plates from Buddy’s last birthday party. Buddy had already been playing with his foam letters earlier in the day, so they were already ready for us. I asked Buddy to pick out some letters and put them on the baking sheet. Then I wrote each one on a small plate and told him what the letter was. We also discussed a word that started with each letter. 

I showed Buddy how to scoop up the letter with the spatula. Then I told him he had to serve the cookie on the matching plate. Again, we discussed the name of the letter as he was looking for each plate. Once the cookie was served, we took turns “eating” it.

Buddy had a lot of fun serving and eating the cookies. He had so much fun that he asked to do it again as soon as we finished serving up all of the letters. So I put all of the letters back on the baking sheet and we did it again!

Once we had finished the second round of this activity, I pulled out some magnetic letters (affiliate link) for Buddy. He started by scooping them up with the spatula and putting them on the baking sheet. 

Eventually, Buddy wanted to spell things with the magnetic letters. He was able to spell his name on his own. Then he asked for help spelling out the names of different people in our family. It was a lot of fun, and a great use of the magnetic letters.

If you have any other great ideas for alphabet activities, please let me know!


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