Tag Archives: homeschool

COVID Homeschool Preschool Schedule

Thousands of schools across the country have switched to e-learning this week, to help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus. And many parents, like me, are having to find ways to work at home while caring for their child. It’s a huge transition for my whole family, and I knew it was important for Buddy and I to have a schedule for our day.

I made this schedule and am sharing it in case it is useful to you and your family. I included pictures since Buddy can’t read to help him understand the different parts to our day. Hopefully having a visual schedule will help Buddy understand when I can play and when I’ll be busy. I have included the word file below so you can adapt it for your family’s needs.

For our reading and learning time in the morning, I am planning to read a book and do a related activity. I have a koala crate subscription, and we already have some books and projects available. Also, I am planning to use some of the books we already own along with these virtual field trips. (Links to trip ideas here and here.) I am hoping to work with Buddy to make a report of our activities to share with my husband at the end of the day. I’m sure we will also revisit some of our Time to Read Tuesday activities from summers in the past.

In the afternoon, I plan to pull out play doh, kinetic sand, our bean or rice sensory bins, do an art project, or bake. Some of my favorite sensory play activities can be found here.

I hope this is helpful to anyone else who will be home with their kids during the next few weeks. If you have any other resources to share, please share in the comments.